WSA Australia celebrates local projects that leverage digital solutions that put people and the planet first. Australian social impact makers and digital innovators are invited to showcase their potential on a global stage under the auspices of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Attention social entrepreneurs! If you’re ready to fan the flames of change and blaze a trail of positive impact, the AMP Foundation’s Tomorrow Makers IGNITE program is your spark plug. Whether you’re at the starting line of your venture or ready to take it to the next level, discover how IGNITE can fuel your journey and set your ambitions on fire.

Over the past ten years, the Kenneth Myer Innovation Fellowship program has supported some of Australia’s brightest, self-directed leaders to forge breakthrough solutions to challenges facing Australia today — from poverty and disadvantage to sustainability and the environment. Unlike many opportunities for social change, the Fellowship program provides support to individuals rather than organisations, with Fellows each receiving $150,000 for their 12-month commitment to the program.