The key to kick-starting your social enterprise dream is to turn inspiration into motivation and motivation into action. Many social entrepreneurs started their ventures as passion projects, but over time have reaped the rewards of running their own business. Finding funding is one of the biggest challenges faced by social entrepreneurs. You can have what you think is the best idea in the world but without the moolah to make it happen, it’ll be close to impossible to even get off the ground. But it’s not all doom and gloom – here are some awesome social enterprises that have harnessed the power of crowd to kick-start their social enterprise dreams.

New giving concepts and donations platforms seem to be popping up left, right and centre. But let’s take a look at collective giving – you might be wondering what it is and how is it changing the way Australians are interacting with charities. Is it just another buzzword? A passing trend? Or is it here to stay?