Social enterprises are making waves by tackling big social challenges, but who’s steering the ship? Often—but not always—those in leadership come from privileged backgrounds, which can influence how problems are approached and solutions designed. This post unpacks how privilege plays a role in social entrepreneurship and why genuine representation in leadership matters.

Uncover the remarkable accomplishments of Australia’s refugee and migrant entrepreneurs. From revolutionising Sydney’s culinary landscape to building eco-friendly communities, these awe-inspiring individuals have not only reached the pinnacle of success but also contributed positively to society. Dive into this engaging blog post as we applaud their business acumen and philanthropic ventures.

Social impact, entrepreneurship, and innovation — if it’s interesting news, you’ll find it here. These stories may not be the ones atop your news feed, but chances are they’re the ones you’ll actually want to read. Whether it’s opinions on creating positive social and environmental impact – or simply the valuable lessons learned along the way, here’s a roundup of the past month’s most interesting articles.