Here we explore the advantages of being a social impact organisation, including enhanced brand reputation, increased employee engagement, attraction of top talent, access to new markets, stronger stakeholder relationships, long-term sustainability, personal fulfilment, and customer loyalty. By understanding and embracing these benefits, organisations can maximise their potential for success while making a positive difference in the world.

Before buckling up on the social enterprise rollercoaster, it’s essential to ask yourself some critical questions to you’re starting on solid foundations. To save you a bunch of time and heartbreak, here are five key questions you should consider before diving headfirst into starting a social enterprise.

Social enterprises are businesses that aim to create social and environmental impact in addition to generating profit. Despite their noble goals, these enterprises often face a myriad of challenges that can lead to failure. In this article, we explore the top 5 reasons why social enterprises fail, and what you can do to avoid these pitfalls.

Here are the best social enterprise opportunities happening right now. If you’re passionate about creating positive social and environmental impact, these scholarships, funding rounds, capacity-building programs, podcast series and exposure opportunities will be right up your alley and a perfect way to build your skills, knowledge, credibility and confidence.

While crises dominated daily headlines, there were multiple impactful developments and major milestones in the social enterprise sector, many of which will reverberate into 2023 and beyond. From game-changing research to a remarkable Social Enterprise World Forum, here are the year’s most significant social enterprise headlines and happenings worth recognising and celebrating.

If you’re a social entrepreneur, it’s easy to be focused on helping others at the expense of your personal emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing. The catch is that a proactive approach to building your mental health toolkit can seem overwhelming when you are already overwhelmed. In this post, Jenni Harding shares three keys steps and resources to help you avoid burnout (and even thrive) as a social entrepreneur.

Cessalee Smith-Stovall has a name for her imposter syndrome. It’s Tyrone. She says when she applied for the Westpac Social Change Fellowship, she had to ask Tyrone to leave. For people who spend their days working to improve the lives of others, it can be uncomfortable to look inward. But it can also be transformative.

The Myer Innovation Fellowships support breakthrough solutions to Australia’s most pressing social and environmental challenges and bring new talent to the social sector. Fellows are offered funding and the unique opportunity to take twelve months away from their current role to pursue a big idea that has the potential to achieve positive social outcomes.

There are multiple things that can be done to create an inclusive environment within the workplace, one where employees feel valued and welcomed. If you strive for your for-purpose organisation – whether it’s a social enterprise, B-Corps, charity or not-for-profit – to be as inclusive as it is diverse, here are a few tips to help make it happen.

Many people will be familiar with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). What they may not realise is that there are 169 underlying target areas developed to create a clear roadmap for a better future. Unfortunately, of these target areas are aimed at government action and don’t easily translate into what individuals or organisations can do. Until now.

Over the past ten years, the Kenneth Myer Innovation Fellowship program has supported some of Australia’s brightest, self-directed leaders to forge breakthrough solutions to challenges facing Australia today — from poverty and disadvantage to sustainability and the environment. Unlike many opportunities for social change, the Fellowship program provides support to individuals rather than organisations, with Fellows each receiving $150,000 for their 12-month commitment to the program.

Daniel Flynn, co-founder of Thankyou, Kate Raworth, internationally recognised economist and author of Doughnut Economics, and Clothing The Gaps co-founder, Laura Thompson are among the first speakers to be announced for the Social Enterprise World Forum 2022 (SEWF22) to be held in Brisbane, 28-29 September.

Globally, food waste is a significant problem. Roughly one-third of the food that’s produced for human consumption ends up lost or wasted. Not only does this diminish food security and contribute to extensive economic losses, but it also has an impact on our warming climate. If we were to consider the carbon footprint of food waste as a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world, just behind China and the USA. Fortunately, there are some Australian social enterprises doing something about it. 

Fast fashion may be affordable, but it certainly comes with costs that aren’t listed on the price tag. Sustainable and ethical fashion means minimal impact on the environment and maximum benefits for society. Here are just some of the exciting Australian social enterprises leading the way.

Westfield will provide a whopping $1.26M in Westfield Local Hero grants in 2022! In nominating a local hero, you not only give a hardworking member of the community the recognition they deserve, but the chance for their cause or organisation to step into the spotlight. In this post, we showcase some alumni so you get a taste of what it takes to be a local hero.