Social enterprises are making waves by tackling big social challenges, but who’s steering the ship? Often—but not always—those in leadership come from privileged backgrounds, which can influence how problems are approached and solutions designed. This post unpacks how privilege plays a role in social entrepreneurship and why genuine representation in leadership matters.

Stay true to your purpose while staying afloat. Finding the sweet spot between making money and making a difference can be a real challenge for social enterprises. Is focusing on profit is the secret to creating sustainable change? Here’s how to stick to your mission, avoid the traps of ’cause-washing,’ and make money to boost your impact.

Dr. Jacqueline “Bouvier” Copeland, founder of Black Philanthropy Month, steps down as leader, passing the mantle to Floyd Jones. Discover how BPM continues its global mission to promote Black giving, tackle funding inequities, and inspire change under its new leadership.

WSA Australia celebrates local projects that leverage digital solutions that put people and the planet first. Australian social impact makers and digital innovators are invited to showcase their potential on a global stage under the auspices of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Designed to simplify navigation of the complex social enterprise ecosystem and centralise sharing and access to information, learning resources, and support, Social Change Central’s new all-in-one portal is set to transform the landscape for social enterprise support across Australia.

Australia’s social enterprise sector has received a monumental boost with the Albanese Labor Government’s $11.6 million Social Enterprise Development Initiative. This initiative promises to empower social enterprises with grants, educational resources, and more, marking a significant leap towards sustainable community impact and inclusive growth.

How might we improve our personal health while turbocharging the growth of the ‘business for good’ movement? Here are some reflections from Tom Allen, Founder and CEO at Impact Boom, on ideas, barriers, ‘energy leaks’, and key opportunities for us to mainstream purpose-driven business.

Explore the ‘Five Stages of Social Enterprise Development’ framework, a vital tool for entrepreneurs and intermediaries alike, designed to streamline growth, enhance collaboration, and navigate the complex journey of social enterprise evolution in Australia. Discover how CASEI is leading the charge in fostering a unified approach to social enterprise support.

Discover how three Australian female entrepreneurs captivated the World Summit Awards with their innovative social impact ventures, showcasing Australia’s leadership in digital innovation and commitment to global change. Read more about their inspiring journey from local creativity to international acclaim.

Attention social entrepreneurs! If you’re ready to fan the flames of change and blaze a trail of positive impact, the AMP Foundation’s Tomorrow Makers IGNITE program is your spark plug. Whether you’re at the starting line of your venture or ready to take it to the next level, discover how IGNITE can fuel your journey and set your ambitions on fire.