Uncover the remarkable accomplishments of Australia’s refugee and migrant entrepreneurs. From revolutionising Sydney’s culinary landscape to building eco-friendly communities, these awe-inspiring individuals have not only reached the pinnacle of success but also contributed positively to society. Dive into this engaging blog post as we applaud their business acumen and philanthropic ventures.

Learn about the inspiring journey of Loretta Bolotin, founder of Free to Feed, a celebrated social enterprise cooking school that empowers refugees through culinary experiences. Like many founders, Loretta encountered the isolation and loneliness that often accompanies being a leader in social change. Fortunately, a unique opportunity led her to join a group of equally motivated individuals, igniting a transformative journey that reshaped both her personal and professional outlook. Loretta’s journey powerfully demonstrates the potential of social enterprises, emphasise the crucial role of fostering a sense of belonging and highlights the profound impact of food as a unifying force.

Globally, food waste is a significant problem. Roughly one-third of the food that’s produced for human consumption ends up lost or wasted. Not only does this diminish food security and contribute to extensive economic losses, but it also has an impact on our warming climate. If we were to consider the carbon footprint of food waste as a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world, just behind China and the USA. Fortunately, there are some Australian social enterprises doing something about it.